Home Editing

‘Home Editing’ another Americanism to add the hundreds we use daily... whether you love or hate them, this one is here to stay!

Have you noticed how organising your stuff is becoming a big business? Professional Organisers are increasingly popular and many interior designers (including myself) have added this option to their services. 

The continued trend of working from home is generating growth in this area.  In the US, the home storage and organisational market is forecast to reach $7909.1 million by 2027* and the popular Netfix series “The Home Edit” is testament to that.  In The Home Edit show, presenters (and founders of this now growing lifestyle brand), Clea Shearer and Joanna Teplin visit celebrity homes to demonstrate how even the shiniest of our fellow humans benefit from their four-stage process: Edit, Categorise, Contain and Maintain.  If you or I booked their services we’d pay around £200 per hour (although I doubt Reese Witherspoon did)!

The fact is we all have too many things and the old adage ‘he who dies with the most stuff wins’ just isn’t true.

Yet we can all identify with the hoarders of this world; the inability to let go of that pile of old mags you’ve been planning to read since the 90’s, or crayon scribbles on a scrap of paper you keep because your 3-year-old (now aged 25) made them.

But it is and always has been one of the most transformational things we can do in our home; to better our space, clear our minds, make our lives more manageable, more productive, and basically happier.

This is not a new phenomenon. In 1880 William Morris rejected Victorian clutter in his statement “Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful”. While the Queen of this movement Marie Kondo released her 2011 book ‘The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organising’ in which she offers a fascinating insight into the psychology behind why we can’t let things go. Kondo argues that by keeping so much stuff, we’re not valuing what we have.

So with less philosophy, here are my three steps to help get your home in order.

Step one - make a plan

Which area will you tackle first and how much time/energy do you have? 

Kondo says take a category at a time rather than a room, so clothes today, books tomorrow. I’d suggest first tackling the space that will make the biggest impact on your life, and be realistic about what you can manage.  Yes, it’s great to dive in if you have the time and inclination but be prepared for that moment when you are sitting on the floor surrounded by every item of clothing you’ve bought over the last 20-years thinking ‘why the **** did I start this’?

Doing a bit at a time can make a big difference… carve out a regular slot in your diary and commit to doing one small task a week – don’t disregard the impact a tidy sock draw can make to your morning routine!

Visualise and set goals…

Consider the area you want to tackle and how it can be bettered.  Look online for inspirational images or behind the sofa for that cherished artwork you’ve been meaning to hang. Set yourself aims – be it a desire for a gallery wall or a corner which, once cleared you could use to add some ambient light (totally transformational!)

Keep an open mind, if that piece of furniture doesn’t quite fit, don’t be afraid to move it elsewhere, remember a cohesive and unified design will bring so much more pleasure.

Step two - start by discarding

Gather supplies you might need for the process such as cardboard boxes, plastic bags.

Apply rules…

Discard an item if it is broken, or it no longer serves a purpose (if you haven’t used it for a couple of years then I suggest it doesn’t) - anything unfixably broken or that is no longer a complete set MUST go.   Above all else (as Kondo would say) ask yourself if it “sparks joy” – keep only the things you love.  A friend or family member will be invaluable to help ‘police’ your decisions - when you’re wavering over that pair of teenage jeans you promised to fit back into one day – I know, we’ve all been there!

Sort everything into 4 camps: Keep, Sell, Donate or Discard…

Only once everything is pared down can you move to the next phase… sorting. Kondo stresses that failure to follow this order is one reason many people never make permanent progress. In the middle of discarding, they start thinking about where to put things.

As soon as they think, “I wonder if it will fit in this drawer,” the work of discarding comes to a halt

Oh, and a quick tip…  for the hardest ‘discard’ decisions; put these items in a marked-up box and store in a garage/shed for 6 months… then if you haven’t found yourself desperately rummaging through it - off to the charity shop it goes (don’t even peep in), let somebody else love it again.

Step three - set up systems

This may just be a re-think about how you live or an investment in a storage system but if you are going to stay organised it is worth getting it right. Remember that ‘out of sight, out of mind’ is just not enough if you want to avoid playing cupboard Jenga every time you reach for your trainers.

It could be a simple as re-arranging items in your kitchen. Or you could consider investing in built-in cabinetry. When I design these I start by rigorously researching the intended use and contents; literally measuring items so that I know everything will fit. This means counting shoes for walk-in wardrobe and making sure there is sufficient extra-long hanging section for evening dresses, click [HERE] to see the results of a recent fit out.

Make the most of your storage…

If pressed for space, consider underutilised corners, and think out of the box (quite literally).  Above and behind doors can be perfect spaces for adding storage and stylish baskets come in every shape and size to create hidden drawers.  Make the most out of every nook and cranny to give your treasures a designated place.

Embrace functional furniture... investing in a piece that not only complements your style but also serves as practical storage can help keep your space clear. Ottomans that open, coffee tables with drawers, beds/sofas with hidden compartments – all of these will be instrumental in future proofing your new, clear and organised room.

If funds for bespoke carpentry aren’t available then modular systems such as IKEA PAX units also offer adjustable shelving, hanging rods etc - these systems can transform your space – just do the planning in first to ensure it will be fit for purpose.

This is one of my recent organisation sessions… my client went away for one day and was overjoyed when returning to this transformed spare bedroom:

Once your home is as sleek and tidy as it can be, it will be easier to keep it this way.  It is also an opportunity to change the way you think and buy less in future.

Stay in the mindset of only collecting what you will truly cherish.  

Go on … have a go.  I promise you’ll thank me later.


How to design for a long and thin room